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Everything posted by cabuguas1

  1. For any of you that loved local network play (MY FAVORITE!!) and can't find a way around the need for IPX, there is a new program called IPXWRAPPER that works great http://www.solemnwarning.net/ipxwrapper/ it is free, and it is safe, although the AV software will flag it,because of "reputation" This refers to not enough people have used it for them to clear it from the unknown lists. if your av software flags it and removes it, simply restore it AFTER telling your AV software to exclude it how this works, is so simple, it supprises me that it wasn't done ages ago. it takes the IPX protocol data and funnels it to other network computers that are set up identically, via UDP hence the "wrapper" your game thinks it sees ipx, but in truth, the data flows via UDP. what is great is that it will do this on either 32 bit OR 64 bit machines so, get out your RA2 and YR2 set up a bunch of computers and get back to enjoying local network play on your win 7 and newer computers!!!
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