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Everything posted by Never_Enough

  1. I have downloaded a few custom missions from RA afraid and just wondered if someone could post a tutorial on how to play them. I used to install them as scenario files back about 17 years ago when I just had the ra cd's but its different now I use cncnet. Thanks
  2. Thank you but as a complete newbie to those things I dont know how to do any of that
  3. Ok thank you, but where do I find aftermath .ini? When I search the folder redalert 1 online I cannot find it. Bear in mind I have only installed red alert via cncnet.
  4. I saw an older post re: Helicarriers, but couldnt get them to work. Can anyone provide me with a careful step by step guide on how to get the hidden units to work? I only have cncnet version of ra1 installed, not the first decade or any other. Regards, Rob
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