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  1. Is there a way to read the metadata from each map and display it inside the MP lobby screen?! I don't like samples testing, cuz 3 of 3 were a blank up to now Tested Maps: - Habanya Erg II - Imperial Basin - by dato and the "?" one - The Shield Wall UPDATE: Tested the game by starting it via "LAUNCH CAMPAIGN" when I start the skirmish there, worms are activated. But the problem is, this verison freezes after playing a while. I think either the maps were cleaned of worms, that we can setup in the CnCNet Lobby system or there is a bug regarding this settings. If it is a map issue, is there a way to "import" the regular maps, I can choose via Skirmish menu outside the CnCnet client? Please reply. Thanks.
  2. Hi guys, I deeply love this game. Bought it around 2000 when it first came out, so I am very happy you released this upgraded version. But how do I activate worms in Skrimisch mode? When I use the switch icon in the menu to GREEN, there are no signs, warnings or visible worms on the mini- or worldmap. I even tried to switch the icon to RED - which seems to be setup right, cuz it disables the infantry class, which can be used to lure the worms Thanks in advance and cheers.
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