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Everything posted by Llamalord

  1. Going to try a few. That was with the default render. I will let you know with the others...
  2. I still have not been able to play 1 game suing cncnet...I just tried again and when i went to hit ESC in a game the game froze but the sound in the game still seems to be going but was never able to get the game going... :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:
  3. Anyone on these errors? Sorry for the double post.
  4. In my Motherboard settings? Why? Hello - could you upload your except.txt file found in your game directory. Thanks! Looked in my Game Dir did not find that file... Attached 2 pictures 1 is when i tried to change to DDWRAPPER and the other is the game erroring
  5. Hello - welcome back. What problems have you had? Had some crashing when trying to play the other day so i was not sure if there is a better setting for this game. I really want to get back into this and also Generals. I love how you guys are not letting this game died. It really is one of the best RTS games out there!!!
  6. It has been years since i have played and i have always wanted to go back to my roots for a real RTS game. Hope to see everyone out there playing! So far CnCNet has been ok but i have had a few problems and just want to make sure my system is ok and what options are best for it. I know i should run the game 100% just fine but just wanted some insight. Windows 10 Pro 64Bit CPU - i7 5820K GPU - Nvidia Geforce Founders GTX 1080 Ram - 32GB If you need anymore info let me know. Yuri Config Res - 1920x1080 Detail Level - 2 Renderer - TS-DDRAW
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