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  1. Hello, Hmm, do you have an antivirus? Are you able to download this file manually, or is it flagged as suspicious? https://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=4415.msg40547#msg40547 Well nevermind now. I tried the download again to get a screenshot of where it stops and says theres an error and it worked this time. Thanks for the response though
  2. Hello, Hmm, do you have an antivirus? Are you able to download this file manually, or is it flagged as suspicious? https://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=4415.msg40547#msg40547 No I don't have any Antivirus at all. I am able to download that file. When I am installing it just come up that there was an error downloading it. Always stopping on that file. Since then I bought RA2, Yuri's Revenge etc off of Origin and I managed to make it further through the download but it will still stop and say there were multiple errors downloading. (I had RA2 and Yuri's Revenge installed from a disc before) Once it says this I just click on OK, it stops the download and closes that and opens up the launcher but I cannot play.
  3. When I try to download through the CnCNet YR Installer my undate always fails and shows this message. How can I fix this?
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