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Everything posted by ramborere

  1. hi all i face a problem in the online game every game disconnected after the loading finished and before I even build my MCV I see connection interrupt to all other players any help ? and skrimish works fine i used windows 10 and windows 8.1 and windows 7 and the game works and loaded fine using vpn only so any help to not using the vpn that make game lag
  2. :puppydog: :puppydog: :puppydog: :puppydog:
  3. thank you man for reply yes i allowed gamemd-spawn.exe through firewall and i disable the firewall no i have a good ping in many rooms that i get disconnect from 86 to 158 any other help idea ?
  4. hi all after update the launcher the game when play as skirmish it works good but when join any multiplier game the game went to loading screen and sometimes get player not load and sometimes load well then money stopped at 143 and disconnected and when get back from the game other player says that i am not loaded what can i do ? and client log file is here: https://www.mediafire.com/?ny7g88upbz4co3i
  5. hi all after update the launcher the game some time loaded well and other not and when it loaded i get disconnected from the game what can i do ? and client log file is here: https://www.mediafire.com/?ny7g88upbz4co3i when play as skrimish it works good but when join any multiplier game the game went to loading screen then money stopped at 143 and disconnected
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