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  1. nope it's none of the above i just found out the solution it was my connection Security it was maximum [wpa/psk-wpa2/psk2] idk what does that mean but it's max setting as i was told when i changed that to a another setting [wpa/psk] it worked fine just played 3-4 games only 1 of them didn't load which i think it's the server this time but other than that i played normally It was working earlier cause some popular servers always worked, but now these servers are gone (e.g. gruntmods server) are you talking about the wifi password on the router I canceled the password didn't work
  2. well that's hard as we don't get to choose the servers that we are logged into (or if we do then personally I don't know how) and I just tried my USB modem which uses another ISP than my router didn't work either and one time one game worked then the next one didn't while I was still logged on on the same server (it was a fluke) so I'm not sure what that means
  3. any feedback?? need to know how to solve this
  4. Miracle


    I downloaded cncnet a 2 days ago and had a problem that whenever I join a game the game launches but I'm disconnected the minute the game starts. this problem persisted until I changed all .exe files to compatibility with XP SP 2 (my system is Windows 8.1). I was then able to play and enjoy online games for a day. then the problem returned and I have no idea how to solve it. I wish someone can help thanks in advance
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