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  1. Had another game, 3vs3 (others all AI again). And it happened again, still don't know what caused it. When the second enemy AI got defeated my two allies instantly turned hostile again so it seems coded (somehow anyway). Can anyone please tell me if this is intended or known? Still didn't get an answer.
  2. No I did not, it just happend immediatley after the AI was defeated like it triggered it. I noticed them starting to attack my harvesters and that I was able to target them. I even reloaded the save to check and it happened again, after which I deprived them of their mcv and refs out of necessity. But yeah it seemed weird since it didnt happen after defeating the first ai. Trust me that this wasn't player instigated.
  3. Its skirmish, not multiplayer. I thought that was obvious enough in itself. I'll recap again: 5 total player, im the only human, 2 AI die, my ally betrayed me somehow and so it went from a 3vs2 to a 2vs1. Hope this is clear now.
  4. Hi everyone! I dont know if this has already been adressed. Couldn't find it with the keywords I thought relevant in search. But I was playing a skirmish, trying to get back in the game a bit after years. So with the launcher you can add allies which I did and made a 3vs2. Now to the point: When my ally cleaned up the second AI after he got income deprived the player defeated notification showed up. The ringer is immediatly after my ally turned hostile which did not happen after the first AI was defeated, I was wondering if this is intentional to give more of a challenge or if this is a byproduct of TibSun origionally having no team up system in skirmish? Well it wasn't a problem gameplay wise because I just bombed him to oblivion but still it seemed weird. I must add that I saved the game and continued a day later which might have something to do with this since I didn't finish it in one session since I was taking it slow. Let me know it would be much appreciated!
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