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Everything posted by GeeWhiz

  1. Ok, I downloaded and installed it and it's all working now. I can play skirmish, campaign - with all cutscenes, I didn't check multiplayer gaming yet, but maybe tommorow I will try. The only thing is that sometimes game menu freezing for a 1-2 sec. and some graphics overlaps on another in game menu. But despite this, game working perfect on Win 10/64 bit. By the way I changed graphics from intel to radeon - but I don't think that it has any matter. So thanks all for help.
  2. I didn't try to play online, but I can play skirmish well. Also now I can play campaign too :), but sometimes I have graphic interruptions. By the way the last problem is the fact that I have no video/cutscenes in campaign game. I found something, but I am not sure at all that it will works - Language Pack
  3. I tried to realize your point of view. I installed: XWIS Yuri's Revenge, WOLAPI, and also Yuri's Revenge Music - I don't know if I have to download and install another files? But I can't patch the game - "The Old file didn't find" and when I launched the game I have only cutted menu layout with music and without any buttons (I attached a file already). Maybe this XWIS Yuri's Revenge missing some files? I don't know, the most funny thing is the fact that I have no problem to play Red Alert 2, but Yuri's Revenge seems to be impossible to play on Win 10 Edit: I 've just reinstall CnCNet Launcher, it is installed successfully - I guess that because I can play skirmish. But still can't play campaign.
  4. But the problem is to install the game - Yuri Revenge, so I think it doesn't make sense to install any patches earlier. I have black screen when I should be in installation menu. I 've already tried to change (setup.exe) - compatibility - but it didn't help. But thanks for your trying to help me. I also installed that FIX, which is concluded on that topic, but it didn't help me. So I wait for another sugesstions.
  5. Hello, I've just find the game and I am still trying to install it. I've got no problems with installation Red Alert 2, but now when I am trying to launch setup of Yuri Revenge I have no installation window - only black screen but I can hear music and even use keyboard but I see nothing - only black screen. I am using Dell Notebook 5547, Win 10/64 bit. Maybe someone has the same problem and can help me with that?
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