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Everything posted by AnnaBauer21

  1. Hello, I hope you can help me. I will make a multiplayer Mission map for Yuri's Revenge and have a Problem. I will give the Computer a base but the Computer should not automatic build buildings. Is is possible to block in the .yrm file, that the Computer Player (at start Position 5) don't build buildings? Please help me Thanks a lot! Anna
  2. Hello, i'm new here I hope you can help me. I make a new map for Yuri's Revenge. There is a Military tent as decoration beside a G.I.. I give the G.I. with the "Change House" Action to the computer. When i start the game the G.I. attacks the Military tent and destroy it. I don't know what i can do, that the G.I. don't attacks civil buildings. Pleas help me Thanks a lot! Anna
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