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Everything posted by Primefan85

  1. I've renamed it to that and it still won't work. I uploaded the zip file to the notepad to exit and saved it as rules.ini I seen someone mention that in another post. So I renamed it and it still won't register. I am playing it on TFD so is that why it won't work?
  2. I'm having an issue with the rules.ini for yuris revenge activating. Do I need to rename the file or what is going on?????? My rules.ini for RA2 works fine just not the one for yuri
  3. I'm having issues with the rules.ini file registering in the game. I've done all that I can but they still won't show up. The rules.ini for ra2 however works but not for yuris revenge. Yes I have desperate ones and no I have no intent to play online. Could someone please help me on why they are not activating iin the game?
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