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Everything posted by Spy-Spy-Spy

  1. (i'm not good english ) Capture the mountain Ver.0.2 (ver0.1 more bug...) [Information] -It is a multiplayer map. There are 6 players (split into two teams). -The map is similar to the Moba game. -The map have builds and dense defense systems for team leaders, Map is split. -There are rescue units from outside the map. The attack period is automatic (similar to Creepe or Minion) -A large central base. It is a power plant that provides enough energy to withstand dense protection. Take care of it !! -In each forest, there is an Ore Purifier for everyone, which can not be redeemed on this map. it Break down you not build again, Keep up the good work. Do not make your money less! -Each team leader has an advantageous building in which to collect mines from the game, and Hospital. -Neutral constructions on this map will include the Tech Machine Shop, Tech Airplane, and Tech Oil Derrick -Superweapon is not recommended in this map. -Almost every unit comes into the bunker and shoots out its own weapon! (Almost all I do not have a game freeze.) -Of course, all trucks and hogs. The unit inside shot out! [Buff on Verions 0.2] -Tanya and Boris are back! Units know the class, the little ones want them! Except for the sucker. - Add more troops (Creep or Minion) and add 2 Kirov Airplanes as 3rd Army! - Fix the bugs, the reinforcements gathered in the base until the crowded. Get out to join the troops before the invasion outside the base. - Turning all types of turrets to counter-enemy directions from the start of the game. - Added Tech Airplane in the middle of the map near the collapsed, with a large tank of gas, almost all lane midway. - Change the Tech Airpane right below the Tech Shop Shop like left straight on Balance - Decorate the map surface not to look too sloppy. [DeBuff on Verions 0.2] -Tesla Trooper 4-player side has been provided since the start of the game. Forget about the old version. Download Ver 0.2 https://mega.nz/#!Hkp2SCyK!ioz_y9U_qyh28hwgm5H8bfxDeGcUKLs3Fw_D_pI_6Eg
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