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  1. worked in settings i found 1366 but the game is not taking all the screen space , the game in the middle and i have black lines all over the screen top down right left big black lines
  2. anyone have a other solution ?
  3. windows and Program Files i searched inside them and i haven't find anything
  4. haven't find anything no ra2 file i''m using windows 10 is it different?
  5. i tried to configure ra2.ini and tried to replace the file you gave me nothing worked:( still 1024
  6. hi i have just bought Red alert 2 from origin and start playing the original game i notect that i can't but the resolution to 1366x768 i only have (640,1024) but when i play cncnet i can but the resolution is there a way to but the original game to 1366x768 ? cuz i would like to play the story mood and i haven't see the story mode in cncnet thanks.
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