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  1. 10 Creative uses with a Demotion Truck!
  2. Thank you very much and really happy to see that even more advanced players can still learn something new! The way the game is designed I am pretty sure there are plenty more gems to discover! I constantly find out new stuff while working on the videos! None of the bloopers are intentional. I usually have many failed attempts and some of them are hilarious! New video with Top Ten Navy Seals!
  3. FirePower Crate can increase the power of your defenses!
  4. Top 10 Unique abilities from Tesla Troopers!
  5. A top 10 video for Engineers! ?
  6. An interesting video for Magnetron!
  7. Check out these remastered cinematics! There is also one rare side bar video for the Allied Story and one for the Soviet Story! You can check out the stamps to find them!
  8. A detailed guide of how armor works in RA2!
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