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Everything posted by quickQuestion

  1. bloody hell it actually works. ahhjh thanks everyone. thanks very much dkeeton
  2. it says yuris revenge must be installed. i mean technically i have installed it. it just isnt working. il try it tomorrow.
  3. ah go on, someone tell me. im itching to have a go on this badboy.
  4. ahhhhh temptiung offer, but im far too scaredy cat to let a total stranger tinker with my computer, i also have no money.
  5. i think i know what you are talking about. i have tried the application file that is in the RA2 folder ( see screenshot) and it succeeds in loading up RA2. unfortunately the yuris revenge application file further down is the same old failure. to be honest the only reason i want to play yuris revenge is for skirmishes, for the ability to play as yuri and be able to make ai teams, which you dont seem to be able to do in vanilla red alert 2. the main campaign doesnt really interest me. is there a way to just steal those two things and put them in the normal red alert 2?
  6. alright. i tried again with compatibility modes off and still had no luck. first i click yuris revenge then i get the yuris revenge loading screen thing. then it goes blank and then it goes back to picture 1 the game selection screen.
  7. thanks for getting back to me, i tried the experimental pre release, put it in my main red alert 2 folder, unfortunately no luck. do you ythink its worth trying the one? i also tried running as administrator and i tried it in compatibility mode with wind 98 and xp
  8. hi. im sorry if this has been covered a lot of times, but my case might be a little different at least. i have the all in one pack the first decade. i appear to have red alert 2 working, although i have played very little of it as i really want to play yuris revenge which is just not working. i install it and then when i click on it it i get the loading screen and then nothing. i am a total computer noob so the few fixes i have tried never seem to work. my question is, for a noob like me would actually buying original westwood studios copies of red alert 2 and yuris revenge be an easier way of getting the 2 games working, as it seems to me it is a more straightforward procedure by the looks of things compared to getting the multipack to work. anyway, any help is appreciated. cheers.
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