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Everything posted by bolkiebasher

  1. Mouse is fine now, but have some graphic issues: sometimes left part of window is frozen (I play in a window). Just started mission 3, dit a save, went back and all is black. I was messing around with ddraw.dll and drwaw.ini, overwrote those and then put the old ones back. Any solutions? And thanks so much for your support!
  2. Right, I followed your instructions are never got this far but.... That new CCConfig.exe. Should I overwrite the existing file with this one? The game started: great! But I could use the mouse in the game. Seems to go all over the place. Remember seeing a mention of this somewhere. Is there a fix? Thanks!
  3. So, to recap: first install First Generation of course. Then install cc95v106c_r3_u4_full.exe (suppose I have to choose the no CD option even though I have it?). Then "Right click C&C95.exe, go to properties->compatibility and make sure everything in there is disabled" Option install td-config.7z. I'll try, not giving up, spent 4 hours without success. Okay if I let you know how it went?
  4. Many thanks for your swift reply. As I said I'm a bit lost as I've installed so much stuff, also deinstalled The First Decade. No problem to install again of course. I've come across Nyerguds so many times, he seems to be the C&C guru :-). Is this the file I need: cc95v106c_r3_u4_full.exe > to patch The First Decade? I came across a Gold Edition patch as well, but is that for the Ultimate edition? What I didn't do yesterday evening is disable the compatibility, should try that. Thanks for another swift reply!
  5. Hello everyone. I have the original Command & Conquer First Decade CD Box. I want to play the (single) player C&C 1 on Windows 10. Doesn't work of course!Spent 4 hours last night trying to find a solution and almost every time ended up at your site (well done guys!). As far as I can see there are 2 solutions: patch the First Decade, or download your version of the game. The one that works online, but not single is installed at c:\Games\CncNet: with this one I can play online, but clicking on New game (Single player) has no effect Another version (soory getting lost after all this time) is installed on C:\Westwood and every time I start the exe file I get error messages and can't even kill the process in taskmanager: need to restart Windows. Would love if there was a solution. Thanks.
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