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  1. I tried copy-pasting maps anywhere around but I can't figure it out, they don't show up in skirmish lists anywhere. Where do I put the maps, what extension do they need to be and on which list do they show up, on ''battle''? You would think the ''maps'' folder but nothing happens.
  2. Hi, I hope I am posting this in the right section... I downloaded a 1000 map pack from some site, big huge one, but the maps don't seem to work from what I see... they don't show up on the map list. This only happens if I play the cncnet client. If I play the vanilla RA2 or yuri, the maps are there BUT vanilla works terribly for me... it's EXTREMELY slow and crashes after a few minutes. I heard that the maps need to be some sort of special extension like .yrm or such... ? I put them in the cnc folder, map folder, custom map folder, standard, whichever... in the map list drop down box to select map type, I got ''standard'' now but they just crash the game. I don't get it... help?
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