Hi. I've been playing this game a lot, but just recently I bought a new computer, and It keeps giving me the same error when I do LAN "Connection Test Failed, Please make sure CnCNet is allowed in your Firewall/Anti-Virus or games will not connect." This is a new problem and I'm not sure how to fix it. I checked both my anti-viruses and made sure it was allowed through my firewall. I can still play the global game, but due to my EXTREMELY slow internet (80KBs download speed average) I can't connect to anyone, not even people in my same house. I used to be able to do both LAN and online on my old computer easily, but now online barely works, and LAN won't work, so It renders the program unusable. I was hoping someone could help me soon, because this is one of my favorite games, and I'd hate to lose it.