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Everything posted by StepOne

  1. Whenever i play campaigns in Mental Omega i always lag the game speed is set at 4 instead of 5, can someone tell me how to change it?
  2. Whenever i play campaign in Mental Omega it's always set at 4 game speed instead of 5, can anyone tell me how to solve it? And i'm talking about MO not the casual YR
  3. The thing i hate in Mental Omega is that you cant build near Oil Derricks or any tech buildings except expansion posts, now i have a problem with this, first of all the creator on MO maps the Oil Derricks are buttfuck naked with no protection whatsoever, and also its soo fucking far away to get 1 or 2 oil derricks which is ass, i have immune oil derricks on but when i play against AI, they keep taking my oil derricks! even if they are closer to me they just keep stealing the oil derricks, and i cannot do anything except keep making more engineers, is hard to protect it when i cannot build near it, so cant someone reccomend to what to protect it? Or what should i do?
  4. This is not about lagging just by playing, the problem is that in Mental Omega everytime i do an 8 player slot hard ai (not mental only hard) bots, it always lags after a few mins playing it, can someone help because its really annoying
  5. a few years ago, i was playing red alert 2 on my shittier pc, not the pc that i have today, and when i installed the Yuri's Revenge it had both Red Alert 2 and YR soundtrack in cncnet! I think the reason is because i had only classic RA2 files when i installed it, but now whenever i try to have both of the soundtracks from both of the games into YR, nothing worked... And i also tried to do it in XCC mixer but it was confusing, i tried everything but it didnt work, so maybe because that cncnet was the older version? Pls i need help because the classic RA2 music is way better than YR
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