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  1. Is it possible to make jet not missing when it attacks unit that moving on a straight line, but missing if moving unit changes its direction after jet fired its missiles? So basically jet should prefire the moving target based on it's current moving trajectory, but missiles should not follow the target if its trajectory changes. This change will make avoiding jet shots harder, but not impossible. Simple order will not help against such jets, but with good times micro a good player can still counter them if needed.
  2. They not only should lose to Rhinos, they should lose to basically anything. Prism Tank is a siege unit, not a Main Battle Tank by any means. But it still can wipe everything on the ground and because of this it was already used in every game without any kind of buff. It's too powerful already compared to Magnetron and V3. Who and why decided it needs any kind of buff in the first place? What problem does it solves? Gives ability to ignore Mirages completely and build only Prisms? And this happens while we have V3, which is basically useless. Maybe it needs some kind of buff instead?
  3. Very nice patch except Prism Tank buff. When I saw this change I couldn't even believe this could survive in the final patch. Was it even tested? I mean can you even explain why Prism Tanks, aka best siege unit in the game, was needed any kind of buff? It has huge range, insane damage and never misses. It should not fire on a move, never.
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