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Thel Vadam Flippy

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Everything posted by Thel Vadam Flippy

  1. srry for a late reply its has been fixed a long time ago
  2. This is my very own campaign for C&C Tiberian Sun. This campaign is set many years after the first Tiberium war but before the events of Tiberian Sun. You switch between GDI and Nod throughout the campaign. Campaign description. Set many years after the Tiberium war. GDI find them selfs in a struggle with an unknown enemy. While Nod in the meantime rebuilding them selfs back to strength. Missions playthrough. Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12E3Y6UjZgxdtbmL4nZBlwNEIh0caCfdh/view?usp=sharing 11 missions are done To play them just download the files from the link. And place the folder anywere then open the folder and run TiberianSun.exe. Click new Campaign and choose the mission you want to play and have fun.
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