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  1. Hi there, I am hoping someone can help me on this. I loved the C&C remaster and I bought it on day 1 in 2020, so I was patiently waiting for the RA2 remaster however I broke down a few weeks back and just bought the C&C collection on Origin, simply just so I could play RA2 again. I have tried to run the vanilla game in my monitor's native res (1920 X 1200) and done the VideoBackBuffer=no entries on the ini file, however it seems to do odd things to the speed of the game. I initially had it so that the game was running like a million miles an hour and within a few seconds the AI would be on me and I would be dead, I have made a few changes like running the game in compatibility mode and also installing the CNCNet patch, now I seem to be in a state where the game is in slow motion and the scrolling speed is painfully slow and units dont seem to move very quick (this is if I run the vanilla exe). So I looked at the CNCNet installer and whilst it massively improves the stability of the game and the speed seems spot on, I do have a few reservations. The game's iconic music seems to have vanished, secondly if I save a skirmish game, if I try and load the game, it crashes and sends me back to the Skirmish menu. Lastly, it seems there is no way to do the single player campaign within the CNCNet enviroment. Basically at the end of the day, I would just like the game to run properly, be able to do skirmish matches, play single player, run at my native res and have the music as it was. Can anyone help? Thanks, Ben. i5 - 8700K 32GB RAM nVidia 1070ti SSD etc etc Win 10
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