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  1. As we know YR added voice lines for preexisting units in RA2. I figured out how to get the voice lines to work in vanilla RA2. Now you can play the RA2 campaigns with almost all of the voice lines that were added in the YR expansion because I figured out how to extract the audio files so that we can use them with vanilla RA2. The files you need are in the attachment linked below. Follow the instructions inside. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TgZPD12mCEq42DllXcL0J42ht881_iO1/view
  2. I'm trying to use the unit sounds that were added in Yuri's Revenge and port them into RA2. I've seen that this kind of project has been attempted before: https://forums.cncnz.com/topic/20074-extended-units-voicepack-in-vanilla-ra2/ https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9957-is-it-possible-to-use-the-voices-from-yr-in-ra2/ Based on what has been done already, all I should have to do is extract the sound files into the right location. I have XCC installed. From what I can tell what I am looking for should be in langmd.mix -> audiomd.mix and I need to extract what I am looking for into language.mix -> audiomd.mix. I've been exploring these files but I'm not sure how to get what I want and how to properly implement it. I need some help with this process. EDIT I'm pretty sure I figured it out. I managed to extract the unit sounds into audio.idx and audio.bag files. When placing these in the main directory along with rules.ini and sound.ini I have managed to get the sounds to work. Hopefully I did it right (I was tearing my hair out). Here is a link that contains the files to get YR unit sounds into RA2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TgZPD12mCEq42DllXcL0J42ht881_iO1/view?usp=sharing
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