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  1. I've tried just about everything including uninstalling/reinstalling both the cncnet client and YR several times. No matter what I do, my friend and I can join each other's lobbies via LAN (we're truly on a closed LAN, not using VPN), but about 5 seconds into the match, the game stops and get a the usual message as when a player drops e.g. "Connection to XXX interrupted" and it starts counting down from 30 seconds. On my end it shows that he dropped, and on his end it shows that I dropped. It's important to note that both of us can join online games without any issues whatsoever, as long as it's hosted by someone else. We're both running Windows 10 with firewall and antivirus totally disabled. I've completely scoured the forums and there are no other posts which both describe the same situation and present a solution besides reinstalling (which I've tried many times to no avail). [Possibly Relevant] but if we use the UDP protocol patch from ModDB (without cncnet), it works totally fine with the vanilla game, so the problem seems to be strictly with cncnet.
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