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  1. The faster the game speed the faster my screen moves when I move my mouse. So on 45 speed when I move the mouse around, the map moves slower as compared to when the game speed is increased to 60. My mouse sensitivity changes to be more sensitive the higher the game speed is set.
  2. I'm just wondering if people really play with game speed set to 60 fastest. I just started playing online last week with my boys but 60 is very fast, we play at 45 speed (pretty much stock RA2 non Yuri speed). What's insane is if you skirmish a cpu it seems to go even faster, like a hard cpu will be destroying my base before I get much of anything built. Last night I created a game at 45 speed and someone joined. After the game started they changed the speed to 60 and moving my mouse a little I went crazy far, I tried to play it for about 15 seconds and just quit. I don't think people should be able to change the game speed after the game has started, especially if they did not create the game!
  3. So I only skirmish the CPU. I decided since Bay of Pigs has so many refineries it might be a good map to see how many brutal CPU's I could beat. I took out two easy. I however got my butt handed to me over an over facing 3. So for me to win with America I could not have the top or bottom spot. It had to be one of the sides with narrow opening to base. I as well had to get lucky and get new tech with spies for both infantry and tanks. Once I got new tech the cpu calmed down hard. I then managed to steal money twice. I tell you, you must take over the airports soon as the game starts or you have no chance. Garrison the two buildings to block entrance in to your base with tanks and whatever defense you can build. It was really hard for me to manage everything all at once but I finally did it. I took over refineries on the edges where no base was. I actually built my barracks first before ore refinery so I could get engineers out faster to take over refineries and airport bases.
  4. Just an update. If I play via the cncnet then Yuri's Revenge will work and I can skirmish the cpu. The black screen fix is needed for in game, w/out it when you play the game the screen will just be black. I can play Ra2 launching directly from my PC w/out needing the cncnet client but not YR. The only way I can play YR is via cncnet. I wonder if this means I need an online connection to just skirmish the pc for YR. At any rate I guess this is better than nothing. I have the original disc from 20 years ago when I bought the game. I was able to get it to work on my pc with windows 7 but not 10. It's so annoying. I wasted money on an external cd drive to try and install this game on a laptop w/windows 10 but it wouldn't work. I am still curious as to why YR will not launch on it's own and requires going through the cncnet client where as RA2 doesn't need to.
  5. Hi, so I installed RE2 and YR from WindowsPixel guide. I installed the black screen fix, where you change ForceDirectDrawEmulation to 1 and add the files to directory. I then installed the CNCNet and play online, which appears to be the newest version as show in the help topic here. I am currently not trying to play online. Ra2 loads fine. YR however will not load. The screen will appear to try and change the resolution of the desktop, then it goes to a black screen and closes out. I'm assuming that was what the black screen fix was for but it doesn't appear to work. In the help topic here for troubleshooting first launch. My RA2md.ini file does not contain ClientResolutionx and y. It simply says screen width/height. I tried lowering from 1024x768 to 800x600 but it did not fix. I as well do not see any Renderer under compatibility. I tried replacing the ddraw file with the one listed on here and that did almost the exact same thing except screen stayed big the entire time. I did save a copy of the original ddraw so I can easily go back if I need to. Thanks in advance.
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