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Everything posted by EliteCheddar

  1. Thanks much appreciated! You'd be surprised at what's possible on Final Alert 2. Was inspired by that one mission in Red Alert Aftermath, Situation Critical. Got plenty more original ideas currently in the making that I can't wait to share!
  2. Special thanks to Yosef/StarTube for making nearly all of the video tutorials for Final Alert 2. Could never of started making maps without your content!
  3. YR/Campaign - Bonus Bits & Odd Jobs Pack: 1 Greetings fellow Commanders! Hope everyone is having a good start to the year. I'm very much glad to finally be dropping my first map pack. 9 months of work, 2 months learning FA2 and far too much time balancing and testing to make sure these maps run just right! Hope everyone enjoys, good luck to you all and please let me know what you think! You will find 6 missions in this pack, 3 Allied and 3 Soviet. There's no story behind these maps just clear cut objectives that must be achieved. Do be warned, hard difficulty is not to be taken lightly and will prove quite a challenge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Bits & Odd Jobs Pack 1.zip Requirements: Physical or digital copy of Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Requirements: Extract and place both .mix files and the .cfs file into your RA2 directory then run Yuri's Revenge and select campaign ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allied Mission 1: Isle of Plunder New Urban The Soviets have occupied a nuclear research facility on the Hawaiian islands. Cut off the Soviet ports, retake the island and recapture the main nuclear facility. Objective 1: Destroy the Soviet naval ports. Objective 2: Destroy all anti air in the sub-facility. Objective 3: Recapture the main nuclear facility. Difficulty on hard: Hard Par Time - 45:00 Allied Mission 2: The Sphere of Influence Temperate Yuri has captured a ChronoSphere and is using its technology against us. Objective 1: Destroy or capture the ChronoSphere Objective 2: Destroy all remaining forces - Base building - Naval Difficulty on hard: Extreme Par Time - 50:00 Allied Mission 3: Operation Little Duck Urban Operation Little Duck Pressure is on here commander. Yuri has a Psychic Beacon close to an Allied outpost. There's only so much time we have before that beacon affects our forces.. The soviets have already fallen for Yuri's Beacon but, if there's no more beacon things could get messy. Objective 1: Recapture the northern airfield Objective 2: Destroy the Psychic Beacon Objective 3: Destroy all remaining forces Difficulty on hard: Extreme Par Time - 45:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soviet Mission 1: Reaper's Nest Temperate Yuri has captured a Soviet weapons storage site that would make an assault on his base impossible. Go behind enemy lines and destroy the storage site for the assault to begin. Objective 1: Destroy flak cannons. Objective 2: Destroy all unmanned vehicles. Objective 3: Destroy all enemy bases. - Base building Difficulty on hard: Hard Par Time - 1:00:00 Soviet Mission 2: Ample Power New Urban A traitorous Soviet commander has stolen schematics for a Psychic Amplifier and now threatens our own Motherland. Destroy the amplifier and the commander. Objective 1: Destroy the Psychic Amplifier Objective 2: Destroy all remaining forces - Base building Difficulty on hard: Extreme Par Time - 50:00 Soviet Mission 3: Fall of the USSR New Urban The Soviet Union is almost defeated. Push back and destroy the enemy forces whilst also taking care of traitors Objective 1: Destroy all forces. - Base building Difficulty on hard: Extreme Par Time - 55:00 All maps were created with FinalAlert 2(tm) Mission Editor by Westwood running current version FA2sp created by secsome
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