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  1. just discovered you dont need to do this bullplop you just need to adjust that allowed in multiplayer crap on the unit you want.but you cant remove the soldiers.computer says no but now i have the ones i wanted inc a deployed sensory array and many mammoth tanks with other units.now i stand a good chance in many cheating hard to play games.so thanx for letting me know what that bit was for. AllowStartMultiplayer=no never knew untill now so this bit allows it just ad it to any unit you want.really wish i could just get rid of them dickyhead infantry.those wankyjerks just explode and distroy anything anyway.pain in the ass.
  2. and how do you open up a map file??? it doesnt let you paste anything into one? i use final sun map editer. what can i use to open it up?i want to change my units to something half decent.
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