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  1. hi, I have asked this question a few times over the last few days but seems no one has a answer. I lost the option of playing standard games standard games in the SKIRMISH MENU, It IS NOT IN THE DROP DOWN MENU. I still have the games in the custom folder in ra2 map but no way to play them. this started after the last couple of updates, any help would be greatly welcome, mike
  2. hi, just read you posts on how to play custom maps in Yuri's revenge, I have been playing, downloading them for years but after the last update i have NO STANDARD folder in the skirmish drop down menu , I still have the custom folder with about 400 maps in it but no standard in the menu list, any help would be greatly appreciated, mike
  3. hi, had same problem but sorted it now only think my STANDARD games folder does not come up on the screen even though i still have the games in my custom folder within the game
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