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  1. Hi, I was hoping someone might be able to help me get my Red Alert 2 game up on running through Steam. I am using a MAC Air Sequoia 15.1 and running the game through s porting kit (because it is a mac) and Steam. The game is installed but never actually loads when I tell it to play. I have had it working before. I also also renamed the "dddraw" files that always need to be done ( I think correctly). Any suggestions? I would love to get this game working again.
  2. Since Origin is not working at the moment, I installed Red Alert 2 through stream. I was wondering if I can install additional downloaded maps into the game play. if so, can someone tell me how to do this. Also, where would I find the "maps folder" looked through a bunch of the game files but I couldn't find that one. Thanks.
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