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  1. Nobody can help ? At least if someone can writte me all what I need for a Single unit, I will check and do the same myself for all others, for point #1 and #4 😕
  2. Hi all ! It my first post here sorry if it not at the good place. I need help because I know nothing really in modding. If someone can uploade me the file I need to add to a map that make happen all that change, it would be greatly appreciate 😁. 1) I want that what ever the Allie country chosen in the lobby, that they have acces to build/buy any Allie Specific Country unit, excepted Grand Canon. It for a NF map. + The same for any soviet country, given them possibility to have access to every special country unit what ever country they select. 2) Be able to build the Building "Bunker" that many version of "Tour of Egypte" offer 3) Possibility to build a Derrick Oil building, but only ONE, very important. 4) Give the possibility to build the First Tier 2500$ SW, what ever option have been selected at the lobby. Like overwritten the SW box checked or not. BUT only the 2500$ one and of course 1 per player. I hope my request are not to complicated or to much asking, would really love having that, I think about it since + 1 month lol Edit: If for RA2 only, not for YR game
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