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  1. @Grant That was it! I was using "Default" so I'm not sure what renderer it was picking up but I tried both CnCDraw & TSDraw and both seem to work well for my 3.2K resolution. The game looks fantastic. Thank you so much for your help!
  2. Hello, Long time C&C player, close to 30 years now. Recently got The Ultimate Collection on Steam. I just learned about CnCNet today. Downloaded the client. I have a newer laptop (RTX 4070, OLED, 3.2K, 120hz). After configuring using the CnCNet client, the game successfully accepts resolutions up to 1080p, but anything higher than that, and it immediately crashes with a black screen. Is there a resolution to this issue or is 1080p the highest res we can play it? Thanks!
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