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Naval Wonder War New Mod Map!


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Hello everyone,
I have made a new mod map "Naval Wonder War"


So what is Naval Wonder War?
A modded map that includes all Naval Units and more custom units
Some Balancing Notes:
- Dreadnought have high armor missile and high damage but low speed missile.
- Aircraft Carrier have a long range accurate but low damage.
- Buffed Destroyer's Drone.
- Subs take more time to return underwater.
- Boomer have high damage but lower range.
- Dolphin cost 1000.
- Missile trail color is set to red.
- You can build Kirovs from Naval Yard.
- Squids can't grab boats/ship.
- Less Lag Systems.
- Improved Lightnings and Graphics ( doesn't increase lag ).
- Some improved visuals.
- Changed Destroy and Dreadnought image a bit.
- Some good rebalances from YR Rebalance 2.0.
- No Reconnection Error or Crash in the mod.
- Your base reveal hidden subs.
- Psychic Beacon is a spy satelite.

New Units:
Mobile Radar - Detects underwater subs / Makes a sensor sound when enemies are near.
ECM Boat - Shuts down Boats/Ship with a small EMP Effect.
WeakVs/AirUnits - Infantries
Kamikaze Plane - This Plane Kamikazes Into Target with a high explosive surprise.
WeakVs/All Types of Anti-Air
RAH-66 Comanche - A helicopter equipped with large missiles
WeakVs/Aegis Cruiser - Base Defenses Anti-Air
Gattling Boat - Gattling Boat damage increases overtime - Has extra range vs air units
WeakVs/Naval Units
Mobile Money Generator - A boat that deploys to generate cash
Cosmonaut - Anti Armor Laser Rocketeer ( Laser Color = Rainbow changes 3 times per hit )
WeakVs/Flaks-Normal Rocketeers

Demolotion Boat - New Navy Version of Demo Truck - Can be deployed to instantly explode - Radiation Codded to less lag
WeakVs/Long Range Navy Units/Air Units


Now Super Units!
Super Units are a new units limited to 1 available for each faction

America = Laser Emperor

Korea = B2 Bomber

Germany = General Nils - Powerful Energy Railgun

Great Britain = Sniper Cannon - Accurate Long Range Artillery

Iraq = Apocalypse Ship - Well armored ship

Cuba = Harpy Attack Sub - Airburst Nuclear Rocket

Russia = Tesla Ship - Fires Contineusily
NOTE: Lybia has Cuba super unit for now I will add for lybia super unit in next version - France and Yuri disabled I'm still thinking about their super units
I added for France super unit but its incomplete and playable yet (France Super Unit=Battle Ship)
Spectre Gunship - Korea only
Advanced Robot Tank - Replaces normal robo at Germany ( shoots heat ray )
MiG - For Korea (Replaces Kamikaze and Black Eagle)

Random Middile Bonus at the middile.
Weather Controller (buffed)
Tech Machine Shop (buffed)
Industrial Plant - 50% Less costs for units and x2 build speed

Discord Server : https://discord.gg/XBeSxUWw
Here is my mod, Enjoy!

(8) Naval Wonder War V1.9.map

Edited by Moamen_Magdy
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