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Tweaking the "brutal" CnCNet AI (and starting $ amount)?


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Hi, hope this is the right subforum - I looked around a bit but couldn't really find anything about this :)

I really like the improved "brutal" AI in the CnCNet client, but I do not like how obviously the Medium and especially Hard AI gets massive resource boosts - I tend to prefer longer games, and if you/the map starts running out of ore, the game basically becomes unwinnable while the AI keeps pumping out armies. I like how it's overall smarter and its much larger armies, but I would like to tone down the resource boost a bit.

I tried looking through the files in the game folder, but could not really find anything where I could modify this. Can this be easily done or does this require some additional tools?

Similar question - I would like to modify/add new starting cash options, as 30000 is sometimes too low, while 100000 is basically infinite. I'd love to add a 50000 option or so.

Thanks a lot for any help!

(and for still supporting this game - I replayed the campaigns like a dozen times each when I was a kid, and now 15-20 years later I was blown away to find there's still a lot of people playing and making updates/mods :) )

Edited by KrosisPriest
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