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CnCNet 5 now has original Command & Conquer support!


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Hello Commanders!


After a complete reboot on project "C&C spawner" - the code that loads up C&C95 with CnCNet 5 support - it finally seems to work quite fine. We have successfully played up to 5 player games without any problems.


So what does this mean? It now means TD fans can have a decent lobby in favor of the old CnCNet 4 one! The only drawback currently is it doesn't support tunneling so you do need the CnCNet port (8054 UDP) forwarded to play on CnCNet 5 lobby.


Again, thanks to FunkyFr3sh, we have a client for you to test this new development on. It is still missing some features and maps but they will be added one by one when Funky has the time.




Please report all problems in that thread, I will be noted if there is something related to the code I've written that I should look into.


Next up, tunneling!

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