Hi there all, im new here. I found this site from the official support center that this site uses: SMF. im a hugh C&C fan, i played RA,RA2,Generals,Zero Hour,Kanes Wrath(my DVD broke and now i start to play Red Alert3. (after patch 1.10 was released, i was to busy with other things)
I am an older guy (42), that means i play those games with my son who is 12 years old. I have my own clan (CoD4 +5 http://el33t.nl) and now i started my Red Alert 3 fansite, http://replays.el33t.nl/ . Here we can post replays and shit. Right now im coding ladders and tournaments.
I programm things cause i like doing it it. If you guys are intrested then i can do some coding for you guys.