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  1. Hello I'm RainXc one of the Youtube video creators. I need 1 more player to help with making a video for CnCNet's Youtube. 5 Borisses versus 1000 tanks. If you're available right now, reply as soon as you can.
  2. Hi guys, I'm having some issues with the Google drive stuff! Uploading some Speedrun videos on CNCnet's youtube
  3. Congrats on the release guys! Time to iron out the bugs!
  4. Hi I'm RainXc. I'm one of the mods providing content for your Facebook page. Just wanted to pop in and say hello!
  5. There are a few games on Wchat, not many though. In CnCNet there are at least 5-10 people online at the same time on normal days, and in good days in the weekends/holidays there can be up to 60 players online. You are looking at it......I don't know of any other active C&C communities which focuses on the classics. There is always Command & Conquer Meets Star Wars it isn't very active though and doesn't work on the 1.06 patches. (as far as I can remember) Could you give me some more information what exactly CnCNet is? And what it mainly focuses on? Sorry for being so new around the TD topic.
  6. Hello I'm Rain I currently run a page on facebook about "Westwood Studios" together with some of the ex-Westwood employees (the Westwood Studios page): http://www.facebook.com/pages/Westwood-Studios/15129073921?ref=ts I was referred here by Revolutionary through the TiberiumWeb forum. cfr: http://www.tiberiumweb.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3682 I came to ask if you guys could help me around the TD topic: How is the current situation of TD ? : -How is the current Online status? -What are the main communities? -The mods? Thanks, - Rain EDIT: Fixed your link. -Tore
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