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Everything posted by nacho-arg

  1. this pack should translate voice, mission videos, ingame menu and text/briefings to spanish language, the firestorm videos have subtitles i would give credit but dont know the autor, anyway keep in mind this is just fan´s atempt at adapting the spanish vercion language to this client, it was not maded by the tsclient developers and it may not work online, so install at your own risk. INSTALLATION: just uncompres to your ts client folder and oberride when asked. https://www.mediafire.com/file/5fro3j0hjjw9x4a/traduccion_ts-client.rar/file
  2. hey ppll MultipleFactory is not working either from skirmish menu or rules.ini edit, wanted ask if it is intended, a bug of newest build or just a problem my end and works for otthers.
  3. i second this, but in case dev lack the time or are focused on other things, can someone make a guide or tutorial of what files to replace apart from movies.mix? current build is bit diferent in file/diretory structure than stock ts and have a hard time findind what files to replace. put togheter a translation atempt, check here:
  4. nacho-arg

    help please

    thanks for the feedback mate but i found a back up of my mod files so i gess i am fine now.
  5. nacho-arg

    help please

    nvm i found back up , how ever not to contradict you but after cncnet 5 finished installation it placed stock rules and firestrm ini files on my sun directory overriding the moded ones i had there O_o
  6. nacho-arg

    help please

    hey ppl i resently installed cncnet 5 in order to play my mod online with a friend just to find out that cncnet replaced my .ini files with the originals, i came here to ask if there is a way to retrieve my files if not i gess i am screwed , why does cncnet places ini files on the game´s directory anyway? if you have the game you allready have those conpresed on the mix, right?
  7. hello i don`t know is this is right plase to ask but i do want to play and i have some problems starting whit the upnp tool not find any device, manually opening don´t work ider the name and the pas of ruter ins`t admin mi conection is wifi inalambric i use xp sevice pak 3 there is some solution for my?
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