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Everything posted by Abel_

  1. C&C Name: Abel Side: mostly NOD Skill Level: intermediate
  2. yes, copying... I try to listen to Dudes words "impatience has not enough tiberium"... but this one is "too cramped"^^ I am doing a new version of it again... but think they wall only like cheese maps... but look at cheeses new map, also those start points in the middle! we all just copy^^
  3. I made it. And yes it is similar to impatience, but with more tiberium.
  4. This map always crashes after some secs or mins in multiplayer. does someone know why? Robinsonade.zip
  5. ok. one problem on the map is the match never ends. people say there must be a unit somewhere but i did not put any units on the map. you have an idea why this happens?
  6. I don't know but when you play the map the trees are different anyways. some are still trees others have already muted.
  7. You all start in the middle and one team should go east the other west. Only really useful with no extra start units. team_escape.zip
  8. thanks for helping nyerguds. but i don't like that suggestion, might look more natural maybe but the way is to narrow then. should always be 3 cells. and it is a labyrinth not nature^^
  9. it does not look perfect i know but there are no real connection issues of the cliffs that would be avoidable with the options you have. there is one place where the 4 way connection could have been used, but i wanted to have more space there. the cliffs are just there as seperation as you say. but i think playing on this map will be different then on all the other ones. long ways to go
  10. I made a new map for C&C95. It is a labyrinth. Long ways for the feeling of a bigger map thanks to nyerguds for some corrections Labyrinth.zip
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