Hi all this is my first post here and i hope someone can help,I used to be a avid player of T.S and was hoping to get backonline and play a few online games ,I purchased a copy of T.S on ebay (i now know its free grrrrr) and hurried to install it on my Windows 7 home edition 64bit Laptop,Since Instalation its been nothing but a pain,The game starts up ok but as soon as i click onto any button to get started the game moves onto teh next screen but leaves me lines in the middle of the screen as if two pages have overlapped?,Anyway i have searched online for hours and found many sites and ideas to get around this but none seem to work for me, I have ran as admin running as windows sp2 in compatabillty mode, tryed changed screen ress etc etc
The game will work online buts very weird and unresponsive i have to keep pressing windows butten to goback and then click the program again to move foward, I can chat in the loy but as soon as i click enter it freezes up again, i have asked the same question on the xwis site, but hoping you guys can help too
I cant use windows xp mode as i only have windows 7 home edition so i cant download that either . I have windows virtual pc but finding that hard to use
i know this game works on windows 7 as ive had reports from peopel claiming to use it, Please Please Help