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  1. Hello RA community, I know by now many people are aware of the issues and problems Commander has been causing around the Red Alert community. I have received an outpouring of PM's from players regarding different types of shady activity from him, not just in ladder games, but in other 2v2 pro games, and we feel it is important to shed light on the situation so that everyone can know the truth. A few days ago Commander messaged the CNCnet Admins about me abusing power as an admin. He was complaining about his 2 separate 3 day bans that he received in recent weeks. I spoke with a few others about the findings after looking into this accounts and they felt it would be important to share with the community so here it is. This is the response from Dkeeton in italics to Commander after Commander claimed that others were disconnecting on him and he was the poor victim in this whole thing: I just randomly picked some of you accounts to see how many disconnections. (keep in mind, we can tell which disconnected) https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/2-2019/ra/games/71506 https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/2-2019/ra/games/71507 https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/2-2019/ra/games/71509 https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/2-2019/ra/games/71510 https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/2-2019/ra/games/71519 You disconnected on every single loss on this account https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/2-2019/ra/games/71523 https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/2-2019/ra/games/71251 https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/2-2019/ra/games/71238 https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/2-2019/ra/games/71202 https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/2-2019/ra/games/72714 It seems you have a reputation. But I don't know anything about your reputation. What I can see is the way that you've minimized your own behavior in the ladder, leads me to distrust everything else you've said. Commander, it's very simple, I am surprised you cannot wrap your mind around this by now. You were banned the first time from CNCnet for disconnecting over and over again, and the ladder admins receiving PM from many different players with complaints about your ladder names disconnecting every game. In your post you say, ---Fact is, Robskate banned me for no legit reason from ladder login (which I may partially understand) AND from cncnet as well, which has nothing to do with the ladder issue. So I banned you for no legit reason? But you partially understand it? Well of course you understand it, and it is a very legit reason. And to explain this once more, since you seem so very dense. If I would have banned 1 or 2 of your ladder names, nothing is to prevent you from making more and more nicknames and continuing to play on and disconnect on people, so I solved the problem, and you have already admitted to Funky that you had done wrong, and that you accepted the first three day ban. You were banned the second time (on your very first day back from the previous ban) for using the name ADMIN on Cncnet and telling people in the lobby that you were going to ban them. You cannot impersonate other players, and you certainly cannot impersonate or pretend to be an admin. It states this clearly when you logon to CNC. And then in your YouTube video comments, you admit that you can understand being banned for 30 minutes or so for pretending to be an ADMIN, but that you didn't accept another 3 day ban. Well I have news for you Commander, people who break rules in life have consequences, and they do not decide their own punishment. It doesn't matter if you accept it or not. Do you think a murderer who just received a life sentence tells the judge, "NO! I don't accept this! Give me a 30 day jail sentence instead." Get real man. You were in the wrong and you got a justified ban for it. Both times. And by the way, regarding my language toward you. I think anyone would have bad language toward someone posting lies and trying to tarnish their name and reputation in the community and I told you what I had to say as a player to another player spreading lies about me. Every person I spoke with about this mentioned to me that they would have been much angrier than I was about this whole thing. I have never abused my power as an admin, and never will. So you want me banned for what reason again? What have I done wrong? Absolutely nothing. I would also ask to close this post that if any other player has ever had a bad experience or positive experience with me as an Admin, or during ladder matches to please reply in the comments below. Also, I would like to know any other instances of negative behavior from Commander.
  2. I'm sure many of you in the RA community are aware of some recent videos posted by Commander on Youtube that are accusing me of wrongdoing regarding CNCnet and the Red Alert Ladder. While I usually wouldn't respond to something like this, I feel in this case it is necessary. The accusations made by Commander are completely false, and I haven't been able to properly defend myself because he has removed my comments under his videos. My removed response to his first Youtube video is below: I see above you tried to sugar coat this video post about me by calling me a great player, but being an honest player is far more important to me. What you are alleging is that the ladder is crooked, or that I or other admins change the outcomes of games to protect my points, which is completely false. Since you wanted to talk in facts, let's talk about facts for a second. You're playing with more than 5 ladder names this month: FACT. You have over 20 DC games this month, and players have asked me to remove the player named STINK (you) and TAKAJA (also you) for disconnecting games vs them over and over: FACT. Why is that happening, you didn't seem to respond in your post above because you know this is true, and of course you don't have anything to say. I also know you mentioned that you are purposely trying to glitch the ladder. So I'll ask my opponents on ladder over the past year or so to post after me here; players who I have played dozens/hundreds of games against. Players like Ford, RC, Diga, Butch, Faust, Katsh, Yuz, McLovin, Croboys, Lordy, Maddux, Stacks, and anyone else I have played. Have I ever removed a win, or removed a DC game you felt you won, or done ANYTHING that you felt was unfair or dishonest on the ladder? In ANY month over the past 15 months, has this happened to any player even once? If so please comment below, if not please also comment below. See Commander you are the problem here. I have never done anything dishonest on the ladder, and I can assure you I don't need to remove games to preserve my points. The italics above were simply responses to Commander's first video. Now there is another video posted accusing me of being a corrupted admin and for banning people without reason. I have been a CNCnet admin for several years now and during that time I have banned less than 10 people, and of course I would not ban someone without reason. Just to be clear, Commander is not banned because of insulting me, blaspheming my name, or falsely accusing me of cheating on Youtube. He is banned for his ridiculous amounts of disconnected games on the ladder, which can in no way be a coincidence. I have received too many PM's from trusted players about disconnections from Commander's many nicknames for it to go ignored. Finally, I would close this post by asking for any player who has had a positive or negative experience with me on the ladder, or a positive or negative experience with me as an Admin on CNCNet to please leave feedback on this post. -Robskate
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