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  1. (Sigh) The third update below should fix the rocks in the middle. The rocks are not supposed to be there. Download Version 3 below: BDoor003.mpr
  2. How did you make the map picture? Thank you! I also noticed that there is a rock in the top ore field. Figured I would miss something xD. You can get the fixed version of the map below. Rock removed! BDoor002.mpr
  3. EDIT: Version 4. I think I found the last rock, let's hope! Newest version is BDoor004 EDIT: Added version 3, with the correct fixes. I will update if I find more. Newest version is BDoor003, so download that one. Ty. Wow I haven't been here in awhile! (BTW guys the website is looking really good. Very nice.) Honestly lost a lot of interest in the game at school, but I was bored this week and decided that I should try to finish a map I had started nearly a year ago. If you enjoyed my old map, Hillside Havoc, then you should enjoy this one as well. The map is called Backdoored and it can fit (ha) up to 8 players. Focal points that I want to address: - Good map for Allied players. The best option is to run your light tanks around the backside of the base and out-micro the slower soviet tanks (original concept of the map). - The map has a huge gemfield in the center that also serves as a choke. Soviet players would be wise to hold this area with heavy tanks. - Map works best with 2 Soviet players in front, and 2 Allied players in the "pocket" (Unless you turn on build off ally con yard, then it doesn't really matter xD) - Basewalking to the center of the map means that you won't be very close to the outside ore fields, so plan your base layout wisely! I wanted to create a map where the allies have a good chance at destabilizing the soviet players while still keeping things interesting. I think that the proximity of the spawns will help insure that your buddies can back you up in case you get into trouble. Protect your con-yard with engineers and walls if you have to! I would love to see a replay of this on youtube if you have the time! I can't play at the moment because I'm on a bad connection, but I'll try to find some time the first week of January. I would attach a picture, but I don't know how to take a screenshot of the whole map using RAED. I know you can take screenshots with XCC Editor but I don't think RAED has that compatibility. Feedback appreciated. Tell me what you like / what you would like to see in future maps. Thank you! BDoor004.mpr
  4. Hi again, So I have a map with a lot of trees, and I think RAED is cutting them off at a certain point on the map. Any trees below about 50 from the center are getting removed from the map. When you look at the map with map preview (in game) and with RAED in the editor, it clearly shows trees being there, but when you play they are all getting removed. Is there a tree limit that just stats removing trees from bottom-up once you hit the limit? How can I fix this? Thank you! My map is 126x126 if that is important.
  5. THERE WE GO No more than 8 characters. Thank you!
  6. So I get the error (which really isn't a error, that's fine). The real issue is this: 1. Start a new map with 126x126 dimensions 2. Work on it a little, save, get size warning, file saved 3. Close RAED. Next time I go in and try to work on the file: " File not found". "Error 1". 4. File proceeds to not open. What exactly is going on? Thanks for the help btw.
  7. How do I fix this error? I'm using the Red Alert Scenario Editor (the standalone one, not the Edward one). Thanks!
  8. Yo are you still doing this for the 22nd? I'd be interested in playing some C&C Tiberium Dawn if anyone else wanted to play (I don't play RA1). Reply if you got someone lined-up cause I figure most people are going to be playing RA1 ya know?
  9. Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that we need to start putting up a sign that says "you need to download the V1.0.6 build OF THIS GAME in order to play online." I have met two new people now that were having strange issues with their games not working or not being able to get online. Always after about 10 minutes of troubleshooting they tell me that they are playing the first decade or whatever or the original off the disk. I have no idea how this is happening but I guess it isn't clear that the CNCNET.EXE only works with a FRESH install of v1.0.6 R2 found on this website. I just think we should make this more noticeable. Thankfully I was around to guide the two nice fellows who were terribly confused. I bet I'm not the only one noticing this. Thanks guys. Much love keep playing -TehEssence (No maps for awhile sorry )
  10. good point about top-left's tiberium field. I might make changes to that later if i find that position has a hard time getting money. I originally figured that the battle between bottom center and right was going to be the main battle, and top left kind of get's left alone, thus by default he should get less money. I will have to play online with someone to be sure. Thanks for the feedback! Also: I feel as if the fields are already pretty smooth. I'm not too worried about that. The cliffs were made like that intentionally, to give the illusion of balance.
  11. Welcome back everyone! So what's new with me? College is insanely stressful and I have zero time to make maps. Well, I had time for one (Download link at bottom) Number of players: 3 Map size: 59x59 (True-centered) Symmetric: No Numbering system: scm158ea Map Name: Roundabout The original concept came to me when I was playing with 3 guys on C&C95 the other day. It would be cool to have a 3 player map, due to how often we get parties of 3. however, there are a couple of problems that I will address right here about 3 player maps: - In order to have NOD balanced, all three positions would have to be in a line, from top to bottom (possible, but sketchy map design in my book. Also difficult to pull of) -In order to have perfect symmetry, it is physically impossible with integer playing fields to have the map be even they way I did this. Now, with that addressed, I'll talk about aesthetics: The original idea was to have 3 different hill bases for each player with to entrances at each side of that player's mountain. the middle was going to be a huge, impassible mountain, but then i changed the idea completely. Now it is everyone is on the low ground, with a mountain in the middle to separate the battles, and to add more fun, the ore fields are contested. I did a complete 360, and went from slow macro styled map to fast-paced turf war. Please, leave any feedback below. I really appreciate it guys. scm158eaV1_0.zip
  12. wow nice job! And thank you for showcasing the map! I'll be working on a new map in the upcoming weeks, Stay tuned!
  13. Number of players: 2 Dimensions: 59x59 (true-centered map) Hello guys! This is my second map that I have released under the icCup tag. This time it is a 2 player map that features two different entrances to your base. There are two things I wanted to address with this map: 1. Nod suffers no positional disadvantage on this map, since both positions are equally distanced from the right side of the screen. This was a big concern for me and I think that it might have been a reason bottom-left NOD players delayed airstrip tech for so long, rather relying on Apache or pure infantry openings. Hopefully NOD players are rejoicing 2. There are two tiberium fields on above and below your base, and there are additional tiberium fields to the left and right. I wanted to encourage players to pick a side of the map to develop, and hopefully this can influence the long term strategies. Should you go for a slightly larger, further away tiberium field or a closer one? Players will have to decide based on their openings (and opening aggression for that matter). 3. Some may argue that a impassable center forces base-trades in unnatural scenarios. However, I feel like C&C maps are so small that this is a non-issue; in fact, it actually slows down early aggression and scouting, so defense is a viable tactic. 4. The last thing I wanted to address with this layout is the lack of "center control" since there are essentially two centers. My former map was plagued with expanding to the center and getting a foothold in 1v1, thus forcing your opponent to have a hard time expanding, without going all-in. If you controlled the center, you controlled the money. Hopefully this map will give both players a chance for a comeback potential. Please Enjoy! Leave Comments Below! MP map #157 scm157eav1.0.zip
  14. yo godly thanks for playtesting the map with me. One thing i would like to keep in mind with this map: Try to play with just 2 or no starting units. Otherwise your medium tank will get stuck on top left position. In our 1v1 session, i noticed the huge advantage the the middle gives you. In future maps i will try to rule this out. The losing player has a very hard time securing another position. Godly go ahead and add the map if you want btw. If you have any ideas for fixes, I'm all ears. btw: My upcoming map will be a 1v1. It might be out soon!
  15. You remember it? That's funny because I never made maps before this. If icCup actually had a map named crossroads, that is just a very rare coincidence. I am too young for the BW scene. You could definitely include my map . Although, I would definitely like this map to get some play from some of the regulars here before I get the ok. It would be a shame if I let you add this map and someone finds a glitch or if I feel, weeks later, that something should be different. Thanks for the praise dude. I definitely gotta make a couple more, seeing as the feedback here has been very positive.
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