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  1. Hi, Ever since i got the Ultimate Collection, i have been going through the games starting from the oldest (CnC95). Now it is time for Red Alert 2. I already got it running perfectly, but as with all of these games, it was not as simple as just "plug and play" I basically had two problems with the game. 1. Game was running with poor frame rate (lagging) and mouse cursor was not moving smoothly either (not good on a game like this). This was fixed simply by ini edit -> RA2.ini: [Video] VideoBackBuffer=no On the same ini section you can also specify custom resolution. There is also tool for doing both (fixes both RA2 + Yuri's Revenge): http://blog.obelisk.ro/2010/09/resolution-fix-for-red-alert-2-yuris.html Once this was sorted, game was running smoothly. On to problem 2. 2. Game was running too fast. As you probably know, this game has hard coded speed setting on the campaign and it worked nicely with old PC's. However, with new hardware, game runs too fast for my taste at least (about 2x speed compared to real time). Unlike the older ones, this game does not have speed slider for solo campaign, but it is possible to get there. If you use origin version like i do, here is the process: 1. Download fixed launcher (Origin launcher does not allow custom launch options) -> http://www.commandandconquer.com/forums/showthread.php?8350-Fixed-Launchers-for-The-Ultimate-Collection 2. Extract the RA2Launcher.exe to your game folder 3. Create a shortcut to the RA2Launcher 4. edit the shortcut by adding -SPEEDCONTROL option -> "D:\Origin\Command and Conquer Red Alert II\RA2Launcher.exe" -SPEEDCONTROL This works also with non-Origin version, but then you don't need the fixed launcher. This will bring the speed control bar to campaign play. Note that you can only change the speed during mission (via options), not from main menu. Also, you have to set it every time you start new mission or load your game. That should be it. C&C RA2 + Yuri playable with custom resolution + speed control on Windows 8
  2. I guess it is safe to say that the game works for me now I have played 5 missions from the GDI campaign and i have had zero crashes during those (earlier had crashes every few minutes). Small details about my system: OS: Win 8 pro 64bit CPU: i7 3770k @ 4,5Ghz GPU: 2xGTX 680 OC 4Gb SLI RAM: 16Gb 1600mhz DDR3 HDD: 256gb SSD + 1000gb 7200rpm HDD. So, i have a modern system, but still the game works after a few tweaks. What i did? 1. Replaced Origin version with the version downloaded from this site (huge thanks for that one!). 2. Compatibility mode for both Game.exe and Sun.exe (Win XP SP2 + 16bit colours + run as admin) 3. Shortcut to Game.exe and added the -win for windowed mode. 3. Sun.ini resolution to 1280x720 4. Downloaded http://bitpatch.com/ddwrapper.html and extracted to game directory. So, most of the tips i got from earlier posts, only difference made was replacing the game version and putting compatibility to sun.exe also. It is possible that some of the steps would not be needed, but with these i got the game run stable for several hours, so i am quite happy with it I was getting pretty desperate with the constant crashes Thanks again for everyone who has contributed earlier in this thread, you made it possible for me to enjoy this old game. I have actually missed it years ago (i moved from RA1 to RA2 and somehow skipped this one).
  3. I had to register just for this thread I recently purchased the Ultimate Collection via Origin and have already completed the C&C 95 and Red Alert 1. Now it was time for Tiberian Sun. I had some minor stability issues with C&C 95 and Red Alert, but who would have guessed that Tiberian Sun would cause much more trouble than the older titles... Initially i had the exact same problem than the original post stated and i was able to fix it with the tips given in this thread. At that time the game was playable, menus worked etc. but it kept crashing about every 5 minutes. Nothing seemed to help. Then i uninstalled the game and downloaded the game from this site, did all the fixes again and now i was able to play for about 30 minutes without a crash. Unfortunately i did not have time for longer session now, but this looks promising. I will post update later, when i have more time to test it. Thanks for the help i already from the earlier tips!
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