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  1. Thanks, it works almost perfect now. There are a few little issues so far that I've noticed: it crashed once after trying to start a new mission, I can't alt-tab of it and the menu still disappears from time to time, mainly after I save a game. But who cares really, I can finally play this game on W8. Thanks once again!
  2. Woah man! I didn't even know that TS is freeware now. I downloaded the game from the link you gave and it actually works, thanks! The problem is, it works... barely. The framerate is so choppy, and the game crashes so often that it's pretty much unplayable... oh well...
  3. Hi. I registered only to say that I too have this problem, and this solution doesn't help, sadly. I have Windows 8 Pro 64-bit edition. I'm doing exactly like in the quoted post and I get this: However, when I set the compatibility mode to either Win98 or Win95, the game starts, but with some awful colours, here: Is there anything else I can do? What do you mean "downloaded the game from this site"? May I download alternative version of TS somewhere on this site?
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