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Everything posted by Superdude

  1. How does that .ini thing work exactly? I am new to mission making, so I didn't know what I was talking about when I asked the question. Those ini files are not physically in the RA folder, where are they?
  2. Could I, theoretically, replace the ant missions with my own campaign? And use the -ANTMISSIONS command?
  3. Is there a way to tell it to load a certain mission? Thanks for the code.
  4. Thanks, next time I get that error, I will post the dmp file here. I use PortableRA New question, Command line arguments. What are they? I know CnCnet uses -LAN, and the RedAlertLauncher.exe probably does too to go to the ant missions. Could someone give me a list of them? BTW - I am making a simple launcher myself just to see how to use it.
  5. Ok, where are the dmp files? EDIT: Does the game delete it before each game? I can't ever find it. :/
  6. Is it possible to fix this bug that me and my friends come across often? Something like this: First, RA crashes. It shows a popup window that says something like "Instruction at <memory address> tried to access address 0x00000000. Press 'OK' to terminate the application." It usually happens when we play a large 4 way or 3 way LAN game. We build up massive tank armies and when it is about to crash, it does weird stuff like you can plant other people's buildings, etc. FWI- my dad looks like this when this happens: :ranting: Does anyone know the reason for this? and if so, how to fix it?
  7. Well, I was thinking more of a filter in each player's lobby communicator. The added code might be some variant of this: if (incomingtext.find("badword") { incomingtext = "*****"; } The communicator would automatically change any objectionable words to *********. The server would not need to do anything. You could even put in an option to disable or enable this feature.
  8. How do you get FRAPS? Is it free, because I only use freeware. Ctrl+S works very well.
  9. For a long time I have wanted to be able to take RA images and use them as a desktop background, icon, etc. PrintScreen doesn't work- it just makes a black image. Is there some way to make it work or some other utility or program to use that is able to do screen capture? I can use PortableRA Beta, TFD, or the original game.
  10. I have been noticing some foul language on CnC Net that I do not like. I am thirteen and I have seen words that I have never heard before. :down: This is objectionable to me and my parents. Does anyone know a way to get some kind of language filter for CnC Net?
  11. Cool! I have played RA since I was 7. (I play on cncnet as Superdude or Invincible.) Thanks for the info. I will try your map... How do you make it happen? Using waypoints? Also, do the units fire on you, are they computer controlled? Or do they just sit there. Is it like the "The Hills Have Eyes" map? Those units(crazy civilians) are hostile. Could you disable crates to let the game keep pre-placed crates?
  12. Thanks! I just figured out that you have to double click to place most things. Do any buildings you place stay in the game? And how do you place starting positions/waypoints? I have a few other questions : Can you start the game with the MCV coming in a transport? Can you start the game with pre-built buildings? If these are possible, it would be great. Thanks again.
  13. Mainly, I just want to make maps, especially mega maps. Features like placing crates, buildings, ore, gems, etc.. Previously, I could only place things like ore and crates, but I'd like to be able to make a full-fledged map.
  14. I am new to RAED mapping, so could someone give me some pointers or even a brief guide for using RAED? I also have used the EDWIN tool from Westwood, but it has limited functionality. Thanks.
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