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Everything posted by GloriousEruption

  1. I mashed together a truck that hauls a Flame Tank. Basically, I dumped the FTNK on the bed of the MGG. In a mission I'm working on, the player is supposed to intercept and destroy a convoy of these things. Problem is, in spite of their new purpose in life, they still do as nature intended. This is what the convoy looked like rolling down a dirt road. I promptly decided the MGG was not the vehicle for me. Next I decided to use the APC as the dummy for my convoy truck. I later found out replacing a smaller shp with a larger one causes tiny little imperfections and artifacts to appear in-game. Pretty annoying. So, new plan! Would anyone know how to completely remove shroud from the game? So far I've recolored all the 'shadow.shp' frames. Too bad it's only for the shroud edges. Any ideas?
  2. This is why I think the MGG is hardcoded. It doesn't have any ini controls, as far as I can see.
  3. Hmmm. I just assumed it would work for both. . . Changing the 'ShroudRate' to 0 doesn't work either. Does this mean there are no controls in the .ini that regulate the MGG's shroud ability?
  4. Actually, the 'rules' was the first thing I checked. The data is supposedly stored in two specific variables. I changed them both to zero. No bananas. My suspicion is these values are hardcoded. By the way, would either of you happen to have Iran's hacked RA.EXE that supports your latest desert thearter? The download link is dead.
  5. Here. http://www.qfpost.com/file/d?g=PTTsy2job Unzip the contents of the compressed folder into your RA directory. I've replaced the first Allied mission. The Mobile Gap Generator is positioned near the center of the Soviet base. And you're in for a surprise if you rescue Einstein.
  6. Would anyone happen to know how to remove the MGG's ability to generate shroud?
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