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  1. Hey guys, I printed out the GDI refinery from C&C3 Check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJzN7rtPcFw
  2. Sherrrrkkkk abonga bonga bong sssshshshshhhh Reminds me of those server rack cases in halo 1. XD Gee, I WONDER where bungee got the idea..
  3. Just popping in to say that CnC net works like a charm on Windows 10 9926 (latest release as of today) StarCraft 2 and RenegadeX however... not so much
  4. Is there a way to pre-load red alert before starting a match? I have a laptop that cant get into the game fast enough before the 25 second connection timer elapses. Alternatively, is there a way to raise that? It doesn't lag in game, just can't load large maps fast enough (the tiny installation maps load)
  5. I recently made a tutorial for Planetary Annihilation. If you want to try the game out I have a copy sitting on a shared steam account. Get ahold of me on skype: brian//zhall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE_Os5wGfNs
  6. You sir, are a anomaly.
  7. Have you noticed anything about the next generation? If it isn't spoon fed ADHD they won't get into it.
  8. I meant videos. Like the one I'm making for capitalism 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N1Elwil1jE I'm thinking about making some for red alert to make things easier.
  9. Is there a *Decent* red alert tutorial? If not I was thinking about making one... Wondering what I should cover tho... Dont know much about Qing
  10. Kickstarter aside, I have some extra money laying around and would be willing to run some ads or contribute to a tournament fund as a donation. Still, I think if we get some decent tutorial for people to watch, and train up a bunch of people to play, then it will be more interesting. I'm not that good of a painter, but I could definitely print one of these bad boys as a reward. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/ra2-yr-mastermind-tank-191501/?prev=search%3Dred%2520alert%26r%3D20%26d%3Dlist I know there's someone who has modeled like everything on MODDB.. Perhabs they could share their models?
  11. I was thinking today... CnCnet can support quite a few people, and it's growing rapidly... But couldn't we make it go even faster? I propose we do a kickstarter to raise around a grand (maybe less?) to pay for Youtube advertising. I could create some decent tutorial to rush people through the n00b stages to create better competition. Here's an example of the quality of tutorial I can create... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N1Elwil1jE How do I get this to preview? I'm also part of a company that has access to a 3D printer, so we could offer 3D prints of red alert models as rewards for donating to the kickstarter, (as long as someone cads them out) www.artforcestudios.com I think it's worth a shot.
  12. Here's another one, and yes, it truely is short n sweet. Short n Sweet - #016 Red Alert 1 [base walking bastage]
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