More bugs:
- In Rescue Stratos mission: Can’t make units move past a certain distance without waypoints some ways into the mission, tiberium fiends don’t attack, need to destroy even the walls (laser fences) to win (more of an annoyance I guess)
- Vega’s Dams Station mission: Rocket soldiers try to destroy a bridge without it taking damage while a GDI air transport unit tries to land on your own troops until you reach a certain point of said bridge (then it lands on the bridge but deploys nothing)
- Vega’s Dams 2: Orcas in your base won’t attack certain targets (won’t respond to the attack command) unless you move up next to them
- NOD artillery doesn’t have inaccurate shots until playing the expansion
- Upgrading a GDI power plant also repairs it for free
This one may have been fixed:
- When playing as GDI build a firestorm generator and place a section of firestorm wall anywhere away from your base; NOD will never attack your base with missiles as long as this section remains. There is no need to activate the firestorm, just having a section laid out is all it takes.