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Everything posted by Silent_Running

  1. I was hoping an option could be included to enable it on any map? If not, are there any custom maps that already have it enabled? I know one or two of Jacko's have the phase transport available.
  2. http://ra.afraid.org/html/ra/aftermath.html#moreunit I was really surprised to learn about this unit, which I hadn't heard any mention of until this point. It sounds like an interesting concept.... would it be possible to include an option within CNCNet to turn it on?
  3. This seemed to work... I'm not sure what it was supposed to do, I mean it said all the maps had a 0 player cap. But my mouse worked with no issues. Thanks. Yes I do like to play online.
  4. I feel like an idiot taking up so much of you guys' time... thanks for the reply though funkyfresh. When I try to run the file you linked to, I get the following error message: 'Unable to initialize language.dll, please reinstall Tiberian Sun.'
  5. Hey Iran, thanks for your attention. Where would I need to look to find the files you mentioned? And would I just edit the lines out in notepad? Thanks.
  6. Just a Synaptic trackpad... i'm on a laptop. Obviously it works fine the rest of the time (including for Tib Dawn and RA1). I agree it's completely bizarre. I knew it must be an unusual issue when Lovehandles hadn't seen it before. Haven't spoken to Iran about it though. I've just double checked and the exact error is: 'A mouse is required for playing Tiberian Sun.'
  7. I get this error message when I try to load a tiberian sun game. I can join the lobby, but when the game is launched it crashes and I get that error message. It's pretty bizarre! I can play red alert fine and have been doing for ages.... Felipe and Lovehandles had no idea what it was so I figured i'd try here. Thank you in advance for your help.
  8. I've read Insomnia. I can tell you there aren't any related themes, at least none that seem immediately obvious. The book is about an old person who can't sleep and starts having visions...
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