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Everything posted by SpiderHam77

  1. I've been trying to locate an Admin on the server channel now for about a week to address this. You'll have to excuse me if this sounds petty, just getting more annoying then anything else. A couple of weeks ago I played some moron online has quite a few handles according to the list when I click his name (noobZgalore, DoogieHause, SurpY to name a few I recognize). Not sure fully how the system works, but I assume it locks the various handles people have used in the past to the IP they tend to log in from. But in any event after I played this moron.. Somehow I upset him.. And he has pretty much for the last week or so been determined to use my Handle, or something close to it to play games and literally piss people off. As I type this at 0045 PST June, 25, 2016 he is currently logged into the system under the Handle SpiderHam77, and posted as away for the last few hours.. In other words camping the name, One that I have been using on this server for close to 1 to 1.5 years now since I found this game of my youth again. Now I wouldn't care if he did 1 time.. Whatever.. But this has been going on for a couple of weeks now. And he logs in.. Plays some games.. Pisses people off.. Then I start getting complaints from people.. Or being ejected from games I try to join, told I did this or that in a previous game and they don't want to play with me anymore. I've enjoyed this game for sometime now. Have met some really decent people in the game. Some of them who I've had some great discussions with in the various chat channels etc... I'm pretty much at a loss as to how to address this any further.. I've tried talking to the guy, asking him to stop.. So have a few other users.. But he simply seems determined to be a Moron. Not sure if it's possible to password my handle or anything.. Apologize if this sounds fairly petty.. Just driving me nuts more then anything else.. I live in Canada, and his flag thing (which I assume is also tracked by IP) is saying he's from the USA.. So a few of the regulars I play know it's not me, and even have messaged me asking what's up with the imposter.. Thanks for any help or assistance or guidance you can provide in this.
  2. Someone in the chat channel in there told me how to pick a different server when creating a game.. The one I made earlier worked a little better.. However, when joining games, I don't know if it's possible to join a different server.. Or how that works directly.. But in time I'll probably figure it out.. My ping values when I ping www.google.com are always between 20-40ms.. And average out at 29-30 typically..
  3. Okay.. How do I change Servers... I thought it auto logged into the strongest server.. And there was no way to change it.
  4. Okay.. I have a 100mb line I am paying for.. I run regular Speed Tests and average out somewhere between 30mb to 50mb over my WiFi connection in my house.. I also play games like Guild Wars 2.. A far more bandwidth eating game then Red Alert.. I also Netflix, never have an issue there.. I even Stream Video's to my tv wireless through both my Xbox and Chrome Cast.. None of these give any issues at all in terms of connection problems.. The odd time it freezes.. But I am pumping far more data through these then Red Alert would use.. I also used to play this game back in the 90's via Dial-Up.. Never had any issues.. My problems sits with connection in games.. If I host a game.. Pretty much 90% of time it will crash in terms of connection.. Also I keep getting non-stop Bad or Very Bad connection stats when I join various games.. I am trying to understand why? I've tried various router settings.. I've tried various graphic settings (not sure that makes a difference).. Confusing the heck out of me.
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