Thanks for your reply Fresh! I've found the FAQ in the readme folder now. Of course the first item in it is the problem I'm having
I personally haven't noticed any difference with DPI scaling enabled or disabled with the compatibility settings so I guess that's good (no crashes so far, although I haven't played much).
The reason I'm using DPI scaling is because I have a small screen (15.6") but high resolution (1920x1080) which makes text a bit too small to read comfortably.If I were to lower the resolution text would be bigger, but blurry.
That said, I've had problems with FireFox and Chrome when they decided to add support for DPI scaling (ironic, huh?). With those updates the UI became too big so I've had to resort to plugins to bring it back down...
Another question I had was if it's possible to change the mouse control configuration? RTS'es nowadays (and maybe RA2? I don't remember) use the left mouse button for selecting and the right for giving orders. I find I'm misclicking a lot of the time.
I also miss being able to queue units and set a waypoint for the barracks and the vehicle depot(?), but I doubt there's any way to patch that in.
I guess the easiest way to do that would probably be to use OpenRA and implement campaign support...